this week, Monday's rec will come on a Tuesday ...

Oct 07, 2014 23:35

Story: A Child's Story
Author: sonofabunk
Rating: teen
Word Count: 18256 (six chapters)
Complete: Yes
Pairings and/or Characters: Clara Oswin Oswald, 12th Doctor, 8th Doctor
Author's description: The discovery of alien technology. A writer of children's stories. Infighting within UNIT. The Congress of Vienna. And two different Doctors in two different eras trying to find someone to trust.

This is a bit of a dark tale, but excellent for all that. New writer, it looks like! Hopefully lots more to come.

I love fics that I can get lost in, that show instead of tell and that turn in unexpected ways. This one is complete, but not -- be warned that there's a cliff hanger ending and the author hasn't updated with a promised second story. Still, I think that this one is more than worth the read. Enjoy!

author: sonofabunk, doctor:12, companion: clara, type: gen, reccer: ljgeoff, rating: teen, doctor: 8

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