Rec: Moon Revenge, by Meredith

Apr 30, 2008 11:34

Story: Moon Revenge
Author: Meredith
Rating: General
Word Count: 8,152
Author's Summary: There's a fine line to walk, he'll realize. There's a place between despair and recklessness, and he's about to die by the lessons he's forgotten.
Characters/Pairings: Ten, Rose
Warnings: none

Recced because:

This story is disturbing. Very, very disturbing. With Girl in the Fireplace as its jumping-off point, it looks unflinchingly at the very darkest aspects of Ten. In this story, Ten is at his most selfish,  thoughtless, and impulsive; Rose is trusting and naive. That combination gives us a glimpse of a nightmarish outcome that sheds a glaring, unforgiving light on the characterizations we saw in season 2. I love the author’s daring originality as  she compels the reader to follow her through this difficult journey - and then plants a fragile seed of hope at the end. This story is not for the sentimental or the faint of heart - or for that matter for those who can bear to find no fault in Ten -- but its power and insight are undeniably compelling.

author: meredith, reccer: parrotfish, type: gen, companion: rose, doctor:10, rating: all ages

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