Faces and NamesAuthor:
Beer GoodRating: All ages
Word Count: 1146
Author's Summary: You can change your name, you can change your face, but can you change who you are? During a brief stop-over, a jealous Mickey tries to find out the Doctor's name, only to find out the hard way why it's a good idea to keep your name to yourself, as an old antagonist turns out not to be who we think he is. Hitch-hiker's Guide crossover.
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, The Doctor (9th)
Warnings: None
Recced because: I love crossovers, and this one's a nice logical explanation of why the Doctor keeps his name a secret, with a little twist in the tail.
"'The Doctor', eh?" Mickey grumbled as he and Rose stood outside the TARDIS, watching the aforementioned timelord fiddle about with something inside. "I'll bet he hasn't even told you his real name. Doctor of what? I don't care if he's an alien, that's not a name, it's a bloody title."
"And a Mickey is a sleeping pill." The Doctor cheerfully closed the doors of the TARDIS and joined them outside. "I've told you before: I'm the Doctor, just the Doctor. That's what I do, that's what I am, that's who I am, that's all you need to know."
"But why?" Rose asked. "I mean, we've told you our names, what's the big secret?"
The Doctor grinned in that slightly unsettling way he had. "I love it. You lot are always so open, tossing your names about like they belonged to everyone, like they said everything there ever was to say about you. Your parents tell you who you are, and then for the rest of your lives it's 'Hi, I'm Rose.' 'Hi, I'm Mickey.' Not giving a second's thought to what your names might be used for, the power of a name in the wrong hands... it's a luxury." He beamed at them and kept walking.
Mickey turned to Rose. "What was that about?"
"I don't know. He's like that sometimes."