I'm really terrible with posting this time round. Apologies for that.
Times Such as TheseAuthor
NeveralarchRating teen
Word Count 4755
author's summary The Time War is too large and complex and confusing to be viewed in generalities. Four personal stories from the War.
characters/pairings Irving Braxiatel, Leela, Narvin, Narvin, Romana II, The Doctor (8th), The Master (Other)
warnings None
recced because As is clear from my previous reccing spree, I am a huge fan of the Time War. The concepts fascinates me, and I like that we do not know for sure what exactly happened. It's perfect for angst, usually involves Romana and the Doctor being awesome, and gets to be quite dark and gruesome. See, there is no downside to the Time War! (aside from the fact that (spoiler) everyone dies, of course).
This story has all things mentioned, but is written with an unusual underlying sense of dread and despair. I simultaneously hated and loved reading it for exactly that reason. It's dark (pitch black in fact), but somehow totally irresistible. There is something about the writing which drew me in and made me read until the end, despite the fact that the characters I love so much made me feel wrong. Their actions feel alien, yet I can see them behaving in exactly that way when pushed to the edge and over it. It is not an enjoyable read, but by Rassilon is it a good one.