Rec: Prey of the Cheetahs by neveralarch

May 31, 2013 06:33

Story: Prey of the Cheetahs
Author: neveralarch
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 5869
Author’s Summary: There are strange things happening at Cambridge, and they seem to be connected with the appearance of a black cat. (A Three-era retelling of Survival.)
Characters/Pairings: Three/Delgado!Master (also Three/Cheetah!Delgado!Master); the Brigadier, Jo Grant, Liz Shaw, and Sergeant Benton
Warnings: none

Recced because: Do you like cats? Do you enjoy this pairing? Then you, like I, probably spent the entirety of Survival with your jaw unhinged at the sheer amount of slash on the screen. I love the fandom trend of rewriting Survival with different Doctors and Masters, and this Three-era retelling shines, with well-written dialogue and characterization. For bonus points, it showcases the old-school UNIT crew, even to the point of including both Liz AND Jo. It’s just a shame there will never be a televised episode in which Delgado gets to rub up against Pertwee like an oversized cat.

companion: liz, author: neveralarch, type: slash, rating: teen, character: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, pairing: 3/delgado!master, doctor: 3, reccer: lyakahime, character: delgado!master, companion: jo, character: benton

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