Rec: Viking Invasion

May 25, 2013 21:05

Story: Viking Invasion
Author: JessaLRynn
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 31,046
Author's Summary: A resort in the middle of nowhere gets a few unexpected guests. And then a few more. The Doctor, Jack, and Rose are in for an adventure.
Characters/Pairings: Nine, Rose, Jack (with strong Nine/Rose overtones)
Warnings: None

Recced because: This fic has everything. No, really. An adventurous, suspenseful plot, complete chaos, utter hilarity, a delightfully drugged Doctor, and a bunch of very clever historic references.

With fics this long, I often wonder if they're worth my time. If that's where you are right now, believe me: this one is. Parts of it feel like exactly the kind of crazy that regularly happens on the show, and other parts take it to a different level. But there're also deep and thoughtful parts and clever commentary.

I imagine this is what would have happened if Douglas Adams had ever written New Who fanfic.

reccer: yamx, rating: teen, doctor: 9, author: jessalrynn, type: gen, pairing: 9/rose, companion: rose, companion: jack

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