When You Have to Go There

Mar 04, 2013 18:15

Hallo, everyone! I am your reccer for the week-- and I do apologize for the ridiculously late start. I have too many kids with dentist and orthodontic appointments *smiles ruefully*. Sorry! I'll do better tomorrow. Those who know me know that I am a big Ten/Donna shipper, but I'm a fan of many sorts of stories, and will be reccing a variety of fics.

Story: When You Have To Go There
Word count: 7142
Author: sahiya
Author's summary: Traveling just isn't the same without a home to come back to.
Characters/pairings: Nine, Ten, Eleven/Jack, Amy
Warnings: None (sex occurs but is not described, teen rated)

Recced because:
I have a big soft spot for Jack/Doctor fics. But the relationship between them is complicated. It's hard to find a fic that really shows the full extent of how complex a relationship between a constantly-travelling Time Lord and an immortal could be, or how the relationship might shift from Nine, to Ten, to Eleven. This one handles the complexities of the relationship well. It's also very touching, and brilliantly written.

If you like it, don't forget to shower love on the author!

pairing:11/jack, type: slash, rating: teen, doctor: 9, author: sahiya, reccer: ellyfanfiction, companion: amy, doctor:11, doctor:10, companion: jack

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