rec: a bad habit (the master never learns remix)

Jul 25, 2012 16:14

Story: A Bad Habit (The Master Never Learns Remix)
Author: rynne
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2,605
Author's Summary: The Master and the Doctor usually manage to understand each other, no matter how many situations they get themselves into.
Characters/Pairings: Ace McShane, Peri Brown, various versions of the Doctor and the Master
Warnings: None.

Recced because: Remixes are one of my favorite things in fandom. If you're not familiar, they're basically fanfics of other fanfics - taking someone else's work and giving it a new spin, a new perspective, or expanding it somehow. In this fic, Rynne started with A Bad Habit by Hokuto, which is a fun short piece about the Doctor and the Master working together, and expanded that idea into a series of confrontations and cooperative moments between the Doctor and the Master. I think the story succeeds both as a good example of a remix and as a good fic that can stand on its own.

character: master (other), doctor: 1, character: ainley!master, author: rynne, rating: teen, doctor: 4, doctor: 7, doctor: 6, doctor: 3, companion: ace, reccer: neveralarch, character: delgado!master, companion: peri, type: gen, doctor: 8

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