Fixing What Isn't Broken by nordesm

Apr 23, 2012 22:00

No, I'm not reccing for two weeks. You just travelled back in time to last week. Honest.

Story: Fixing What Isn't Broken
Author: nordesm
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 5377
Author's Summary: The Doctor didn’t believe in luck, fate, or karma, but for some reason the Universe had a way of giving him exactly what he needed despite the fact that he rarely knew he was in need.
Characters/Pairings: Tenth Doctor, Captain Jack Harkness
Warnings: None.

Recced because: The Doctor's favourite method of dealing with pain (or anything else, let's be honest here), is to run like hell. In this fic, even when he's trying to run away from the people he knows, he accidentally finds them again. Fixing what isn't broken a very sweet mini-adventure post Journey's End. What I love most about it though isn't just that it's sweet (and another lovely explanation on how Jack's missing memories are all the Doctor's fault, my favourite kind) but that it doesn't "fix" the Doctor. The adventure isn't about the Doctor getting over what he did to Donna, but learning to live with that - and moving on, the way the Doctor always does.

author: nordesm, type: gen, doctor:10, rating: all ages, reccer: pitry, companion: jack

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