Things Best Left UnseenAuthor: eponymous_rose
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 9349
Author's Summary: Who are the ominous-looking men in dark suits and terribly impractical sunglasses, and why are they so convinced that they're about to pull off the greatest heist in the planet's history?
Characters/Pairings: Erimem, Peri Brown, Fifth Doctor
Recced because: The characterisation of Erimem is brilliant and her typically clear-eyed observations of herself and her friends are a joy. She's finding her feet and trying to work out how she fits in with the Doctor and Peri, deciding who she is now she's no longer a pharoah-in-training. She's learning to be brave in a world she never expected, and eponymous_rose conveys this beautifully. The plot is slight but entertaining, the villains are fun and it's told in a beautifully self aware way. And, appropriately for audio fic, I can hear the voices of the characters very strongly in my head as I read.
She found herself looking to the Doctor for assistance; he was only just stirring, blinking bemusedly up at Peri.
And then she caught herself. She may not be some glorified traveller who stumbled from world to world, saving what he didn’t destroy, but she was the only thing between these aliens and whatever it was they were planning. And that was reason enough for her to stand fast, to keep trying.
(This story takes place directly after the Big Finish Audio Nekromateia and though you don't have to have heard the play to follow it (I haven't) it does contain some spoilers.)