Observation InterferenceAuthor: Van Donovan
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 2874
Author's Summary: Leela runs away with the Doctor's nostalgia.
Characters/Pairings: Four/Leela, Leela/Jo, Doctor/Jo
Warnings: None
Recced because: Van Donovan's characterisation of Leela is brilliant. She leaps off the page in all her pride, her fearlessness, and her ability to cut clear through the Doctor's circumlocutions. It shows how they balance each other - she has a directness that he lacks, but he sees dangers and subtleties that escape her. The Doctor's affection for Jo is touching, and his impatient explanation of what happened to her makes it obvious how much he still misses her. And Leela kissing Jo is wonderful, the reasoning behind it is both very clever and very Leela.