In celebration of the upcoming S6 finale, most of my fics are going to have an Eleventh Doctor slant to them -- I'd like to highlight some of the great work that's being done with Eleventy & Co.!
ControlAuthor: Musedepandora
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3830
Author's Summary: There seemed to be no way out. There seemed to be no other option. Yet, the Doctor had to believe he always had a choice. So River gave him one.
Characters/Pairings: Eleven/River; Amy/Rory
Recced because: This is one of my go-to fics (why yes, there's a copy on my kindle). It's clever - sharp-as-a-tack clever. Like the very best of Doctor Who (professional or amateur) it careens wildly between hilarity, edge-of-your-seat action, pathos, and triumph.