It's been a fun week. In the spirit of this last rec, so long and thanks for all the fish.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Surviving a Dalek InvasionAuthor:
atraphoenixRating: All Ages
Word Count: 1038
Author's Summary: Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz was having a very bad day. The planet he had been ordered to demolish appeared to have disappeared.
[A The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy crossover.]
Characters/Pairings: Alan Jackson, Maria Jackson, various Daleks, various characters from HG2G.
Warnings: None
Recced because: In the middle of the Dalek invasion of Journey's End/The Stolen Earth, Ford Prefect and Zaphod Beeblebrox concentrate on the important things, like another drink; Arthur isn't surprised; Marvin finds someone to talk to, and everyone fits right in. This perfectly captures the tone of the books and works so brilliantly that I'm convinced it was happening just off-screen. The native characters are written just as well, and I love Alan's observations on what his daughter has learned from Sarah Jane.
“So what exactly happened to the Daleks?” asked Ford, addressing his semi cousin over an impressive collection of pint glasses. “One minute they were terrorising the universe, the next they were nowhere to be found.”
“It was a time lock.”
“A time what?”
“Remember … what was her name? The president of Gallifrey?”
“That’s the one. She used to drink me under the table at Galactic conferences.”
“And turn you down whenever you asked her for a date?”
“And turn me down whenever I asked her for a date.”