The Ruins Are WildAuthor:
glassbombRating: All Ages
Word Count: 1279
Author's Summary: “I feel like a goddess right now.” She waves a hand. “I banish you to… to the… farthest corner of the universe. Don’t you dare say that you’ve been there and it’s nice.”
Characters/Pairings: Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond
Warnings: None
Recced because: There's a song the Doctor can't remember, although he knows it begins with "A pinwheel's a promise." There's a fiance Amy can't remember, but the Doctor remembers him all too well. He takes her to a planet that once held a beautiful temple, and watches her play amongst the ruins. The tone of the fic is more wistful than sad, but it lingers, and the longer you think about it, the more heartbreaking it becomes.
The pair of them, they go wandering. The Doctor is not one to sit and wait things out. Even now he trades in distractions. “It’s the last touch of sunset at the edge of the world, remember that?” he says to her. “Tell me you remember.” They are standing barefoot on a curve of beach; Amy looking up at a sky edged with orange and red like the horizon had been set on fire.