bad judgment by van donovan

May 25, 2010 07:10

Story:Bad Judgment
Author: Van Donovan
Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 3,055
Author’s Summary: Poor judgment leads to tragedy.
Characters/Pairings: The Second Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, the Cybermen.
Warnings: Angst, Character death

Recced because: There are so many times when one slip of fate, one twist of luck or mistake in timing would have meant overwhelmingly terrible disasters for so many of those dear to the Doctor. The author here introduces us to one such a time and hauntingly takes us through to the tragic end.

Van Donovan has had several stories recommended, something which is no surprise in light of the intensity and crafting of this sampling here. The Second Doctor has, as usual, failed to properly communicate what he is up to with his companions and the results are literally fatal. My heart was wrung for Jamie, for Zoe and for the Doctor; it is a tragedy indeed but none of it is written gratuitously, and it is not graphic in its descriptions; the tale is skillfully and precisely measured out. This is a dark but excellent read that you will remember.


companion: zoe, author: van donovan, type: gen, doctor: 2, companion: jamie, rating: all ages, reccer: primsong

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