Armour by mamfidd 82

Apr 28, 2010 18:37

Story: Armour
Author: Mamfidd82
Word count:1303
Rating:All ages
Author's summary:The Doctor always hides behind something or other. Usually, it's himself.
Characters/pairings:Ace McShane, Adric, Barbara Wright, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Charley Pollard, Ian Chesterton, Jamie McCrimmon, Jo Grant, Martha Jones, Peri Brown, Rose Tyler, Susan Foreman, Tegan Jovanka, The Doctor (all of him).
Warnings: none.

Recced because: Well this one's just lovely. Touching, and sad, and a it painful, but lovely. A collection of moments, from both Old and New Who, that make you want to slap the Doctor and hug him all at the same time. And most importantly, catches the very essence of the Doctor in such a beautiful manner.

companion: adric, companion: ian, doctor: 2, doctor: 9, companion: barbara, companion: ace, author: mamfidd82, type: gen, companion: rose, doctor: 5, doctor: 8, companion: jo, companion: tegan, reccer: pitry, doctor: 1, doctor: 4, character: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, doctor: 6, doctor: 7, companion: susan, doctor: 3, companion: peri, companion: martha, companion: charley, doctor:10, companion: jamie, rating: all ages

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