Rec: Aces and Eights

Aug 05, 2009 14:02

Story: Aces and Eights
Author: joonscribble
Rating: All ages
Author's summary: After the longest night in the Hub, Owen has to do final documentation for Lisa Hallett's corpse.
Characters/Pairings: Owen Harper
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1190

Recced because: For me, Owen Harper is one of the most interesting and layered characters in Torchwood, but in fanfic he's often short-changed as the bastard in the background. joonscribble writes Owen wonderfully, with his complexities, and this story offers a rare glimpse into the softer side of Owen without making him out of character.

author: joonscribble, torchwood: owen, reccer: cosmic_celery, type: gen, rating: all ages

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