Well, the week is almost over already, but I’ve still got one brilliant story to go…
The First CasualtyAuthor:
Lurky McLurklurkRating: All Ages
Word Count: 5255
Author's Summary: Benny's latest escapade leads to a meeting with a certain Fitz Kreiner.
Characters/Pairings: Bernice Summerfield, Fitz Kreiner
Warnings: None.
Recced because: It’s witty and fun, both a proper archaeological space adventure and a story that will make you laugh. And, please don’t run away because it’s two characters from spin-off media. Benny is introduced here at her wittiest, as she picks up her own almost-companion (who, absolutely wonderfully, is not what she seems) and the encounter with Fitz merely provides the perfect anti-climax to Benny’s spot of derring-do. It’s a quest to save (or possibly doom) a planet and it’s worth reading whatever era you favour, because it does it with style and it‘s entertaining from start to finish.