rec: Blue Touch Paper, by kiwimouse

Mar 14, 2009 00:15

Story: Blue Touch Paper
Author: kiwimouse
Rating: Adult
Word Count: 2198
Author's Summary: Ace and the Doctor have a go together. Written under pain of disinheritance and expulsion from Nireville; takes place after "Remembrance of the Daleks."
Characters/Pairings: Ace/Seven
Warnings: None

Recced because:  I feel a little nervous reccing this.  Not because it isn't good.  It IS good, very good indeed.  It is just that it is Ace/Seven smut, which is very hard to come by, and when you do find it, rarely it is as good as this.  Which is why I am reccing it.  The characterisations are good, and the smut is believable, which is no easy task when writing Seven/Ace.  In my opinion, kudos to kiwimouse for acheiving that.

author: kiwimouse, companion: ace, rating: adult, pairing: 7/ace, reccer: solarflar3, type: het, doctor: 7

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