rec: home, by clocketpatch

Feb 23, 2009 00:29

My final rec for the week... I hope that you've enjoyed some of the stories I selected. It's been a pleasure sharing my favorites here!

Story: Home
Author: ClocketPatch
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 8893
Author's Summary: "Home is where the heart is, though sometimes we're too busy trying to run away to recognise it."
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (3rd), The Doctor (9th), Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Harry Sullivan, Jo Grant, Mike Yates, John Benton, UNIT
Warnings: Angst, Dark Themes, Swearing

Recced because: This fic features the intriguing combination of Three and Nine and there are four reasons why it is a standout for me: 1) the vividness of the imagery, particularly in the opening scenes; 2) the brilliant dialogue, which captures not only what these characters would say, but the exact manner in which they would say it; 3) the connections to tiny details from both New and Classic Who; and, 4) the intensity of story, dark, with raw emotion and such anguish. This story hurts, but it is so very worth the read.

companion: harry, rating: teen, author: clocketpatch, character: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, doctor: 9, doctor: 3, type: gen, companion: jo, reccer: stellastars, character: captain yates, character: benton

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