A Learning ExperienceAuthor:
rivendellroseRating: Adult
Word Count: 2862
Author's Summary: Romana accidentally lets slip a secret she’s been keeping from the Doctor, and he doesn’t take it very well. Fortunately, Romana knows how to get their relationship back on track.
Characters/Pairings: Four/Romana II
Warnings: Explicit sex
Recced because: I've read this fic several times and it never fails to make me smile. It's a good-natured take on the half-a-millenia age-difference between the Doctor and Romana. The Doctor's flustering, the discussion about ''underage'' partners and Romana's ability to turn the tables on the Doctor are a delight. Plus, there's a nice bit of smut at the end.
“I don’t see how this is funny, Romana. You’ve lured me into sexual relations--”
“I lured you?”
“Lured me into sexual relations with you,” he repeated, “and here you are, not even old enough to take the Tolanginal!”