Duncan Johnson Rating: All Ages
Word Count: 20674
Author's Summary: Whitby, 1900. A place of old ghosts and new friendships. The first in a series of adventures for the Eighth Doctor.
Characters/Pairings: The Doctor (8th)
Warnings: None
Recced because:
This is a cross-over between Doctor Who and Dracula told in epistolary format. How awesome is that? Though, that description might be a little misleading, since this fic takes place some years after the finish of Bram Stoker’s novel. It’s not necessary to have read the book to enjoy the fic (I hadn’t first time). This is a gloriously well-thought out bit of ficy-ness and the series which it starts out it also awesome in the extreme. Eight is at top form as he solves the (very well crafted) mystery, and Duncan Johnson handles his cross-over characters with panache.