rec: the catbird seat

Oct 03, 2008 10:26

Story: The Catbird Seat
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 365
Author's Summary: Written for the kinkmeme. Prompt was: "The missing Doctor/Benny sex from the end of The Dying Days. The cat watches or joins in." Wolsey observes the Doctor and Benny.
Characters/Pairings: Bernice Summerfield, Eighth Doctor, Wolsey the Cat
Warnings: Hilarity

Recced because: I like to rec a kinkmeme story on fridays because I think everyone should have a little porn at the end of the week. This particular story is a bit short on the porn, but it's utterly brilliant anyway. Exactly as it says on the tin, this is a quickie from the POV of Wolsey the Cat. And considering the author says she has no cat, the perfection of Wolsey's voice is even more amazing.

author: ghost2, companion: bernice, rating: teen, doctor: 8, reccer: elyssadc, pairing: 8/bernice, type: het

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