Lovely blonde plaited wig arrived today! This one is for my Juri, who I've decided to call Caprice - it's seems an appropriately mischevious name for her. [smiles]
I wanted to get rid of the black cheek tattoo she came with (it was pretty, but I'm just not keen on facial art), so I took to her face with some
Once Removed nail polish remover gel. I love that stuff - it's immeasureably easier to use for cleaning off faceups than a liquid. It contains acetone, but I alway put a mask of 50/50 rubbing alcohol and baking soda on afterwards for a few minutes before rinsing it off. That neutralises the acetone and ensures it won't eat into the resin in future, as washing acetone off with water isn't neccesarily 100% effective.
Anyway, it turns out she was heavily blushed, which was part of the reason for the huge discrepency in skintone between the (both purportedly) Normal Skin Juri and Normal Skin Lishe. She still doesn't match the Lishe body but the contrast is nowhere near as huge. I much prefer her pale, though later I might give her a bit of colour in her cheeks. She could probably do with a coat or two of matt varnish anyway, just to protect the resin.
Here she is, with a body loan from Sabella. I just love her pointy little ears!