
Apr 20, 2005 22:10

so here's the convo with steve from january. i never posted it publically, but now that jim and sandy have been tipped off by someone about the whole thing (jim said he had also noticed it), he's been threatened to be kicked off the team if he doesnt stop so i thought i would show everyone what had been going on.

howardstern147: LOOOOOOSER
howardstern147: lol
calsun182: what the fuck is wrong with you?
howardstern147: how so
calsun182: well u seem to dislike me for no reason
howardstern147: no
howardstern147: i have a reason
howardstern147: or 5
calsun182: go ahead
howardstern147: 1 stuck up
howardstern147: 2
howardstern147: think that i am the coolest person in the world
howardstern147: 3 think that u are the hottest person in the world
howardstern147: 4 think that u are the most populer girl in the world
howardstern147: 5th u think that every body likes u
calsun182: thats such bullshit.
calsun182: but u know, believe whatever u want
calsun182: i honestly dont care what you think of me
calsun182: no joke
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: what is bull shit
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: not one person on the crew team likes u but they wont say it because that dont want u do be sad me i could care less what u think
calsun182: now thats a lie
calsun182: i have plenty of friends on the team
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: lol
calsun182: more than u do
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: like who
howardstern147: lol
calsun182: why do u care so much
howardstern147: trever beni zack chris tom virgina travis not hartman nick nick c nick r robort
calsun182: i dont give a fuck what u think
howardstern147: and soooo many more
howardstern147: max
howardstern147: hmmm what elce
howardstern147: chris plumer
howardstern147: shawn
howardstern147: hmmm
howardstern147: mat
calsun182: ok keep naming ppl
howardstern147: k
calsun182: cuz i could do the same thing
howardstern147: braddy
howardstern147: ok
howardstern147: start
howardstern147: i will get them to say that they dont like u
howardstern147: and then i will laugh in your face
howardstern147: ok
howardstern147: start nameing
howardstern147: i want crew people
howardstern147: come on
calsun182: why are u doing this? why do u even care? if u dont like me, then dont talk to me
howardstern147: because u are stuck up
howardstern147: u call people shit behind there back
howardstern147: at least i get shit with out being a drunk slut
calsun182: and an asshole like u are being right now
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: i love being a bitch to u
calsun182: thats great
howardstern147: because i have to get all of the words from people out that they wont say
calsun182: i really dont care
howardstern147: ok
calsun182: u cant hurt my feelings cuz youre just talking out of your ass right now
calsun182: this is all bullshit
howardstern147: well u still havent named anybody from crew
howardstern147: come on
calsun182: why should i? i know who my friends are
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: i no who u think your friends are
howardstern147: lol
howardstern147: but that is a big diffrence
howardstern147: come on
howardstern147: see u are a looser
howardstern147: nobody likes u
howardstern147: u are a waste of space
howardstern147: i mean
howardstern147: nobody
howardstern147: u are ugly and u think u are hot
howardstern147: ya
howardstern147: thats what i though
calsun182: you are an asshole and that will get u no whewre in life
howardstern147: u dont have shit
howardstern147: u dont have anyfriends
howardstern147 signed off at 9:27:19 PM.

i blocked him there, then he imed me with this screen name

booo aaahhhh: u will never have friends other then your 2 at redwood karan isnt your friend he just talks to u because he is sorry for u nobody will ever like u so go cry in your room u ugly ugly stuck up girl
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