(no subject)

Nov 20, 2004 11:23

havent updated in like a billion years..

so school sux i hate it. nothing is going on hah i cant wait for vaction. i saw the polar express last night it was friggin awsome haha. im at the libray its ah pretty neat. im so insanly bored i could rip the little chinesse kids head off. i serioulsy think im going insane. i fucking hate my parnet more than anything in the world i honestly dont anymore...

well... since i havent updated in a while like a long while ill just say halloween was fun
party at my house... haha like 15 people came over and we just walked around doing secret ops... oyahhh good times. thats about the only excitment ive had in the past 3 months well besides seth :) i love him more than anything i cant even begin to put it into words<3

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