May 12, 2007 16:09
I find it apt that Stephen Hawking hopes that there is intellegent life on other planets so that he'll finally discover that some exists in the universe (the obvious play that there isn't any here on Earth). I find this apt because this is coming from the same man that has pledged his life to a sisyphusian ordeal: To prove incorrect as many of the precepts of one of this (or rather, last) centuries greatest minds: Albert Einstien. You may wonder how this has to do with my life, as it is known. I'm getting to that. Anyway, in saying this Mr. Hawking inadvertantly made a mistake in word choice that a man of more wisdom would admit perforce: He claimed to be an unitellegent being himself.
For some reason, that reminds me of a parable involving a candle, two pints of olive oil, and a goose, but I'm not going to get into that right now.
You should all read Hiruki Murakami. I reccomend "The Hardboiled Wonderland at the End of the World". Anyway, eventually you'll all find out about this... or maybe not, depending on who you all are. I digress, I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 6 mo.s, Meghan. Those of you who met her may be shocked, saddened, and eventually loathe to believe such a turn of events. I'll put this in the most cliched way I possibly can: It's not her, it's me. I'm neurotic and insecure and a lot of other bad things to boot and really I can't deal with being in a "loving relationship" right now.
Does anyone know how to get ahold of James Midkiff? I miss that crazy kid, wondering how he's doing. Can't remember where he decided to go to college. Eh...
I bought a $700 guitar last week... well almost two weeks ago now. It's the nicest thing I've ever owned. It's really great: Fender (mexican made) slimline hollow body telecaster with dual humbucking pickups. It's in a natural finish with a white pearlescent pickguard. She sings like an angel... even when I play her.
Well, that's about as far as boredom takes me. I'm still looking to start a band someday but who knows? Maybe I'm just not a musician. I certainly don't consider myself one. I'm thinking that I need a part time job rather than the (lucrative) full time position I currently take residence in.
That's all, folks.