When does a ficlet become a fic? Is it down to length? Number of chapters? And when does a drabble become a ficlet? Is a 500-word story a drabble and a 501 word story a ficlet?
And why does my computer keep freezing up on LJ? The page gets sort of loaded and then I have to wait while it unfreezes and downloads the last few items. Bloody annoying. Is it my 'puter or is it LJ?
Questions, questions...
I've been looking over LJ 2006. Interesting exercise. As expected, my LJ time has been pitifully little this year. Depression is teh pits. But despite that, and despite fearing I'd lost the muse, I did manage to write more than I thought, which is strangely comforting.
Eggnog Buddies in which Buffy finds something unexpected under her Christmas tree. Ficlet: S/B and Spike, Dawn, Joyce friendship, Rated G. Fluff.
Two Spike/Ilona drabbles. One tame, one less so...
Two tentacle-based drabbles. Now who might they have been for...?
Five Stages of Grief. Spike/Buffy post-Chosen. Five part story based on the five stages we go through when we grieve. My big one for the year. Angsty.
Nightswimming. In which Buffy's mistrust of Spike means she sees more than she bargained for. Ficlet: S/B BTVS season 5. Fluffy; rated R.
Midnight mindgames. Buffy/Riley/... erm... Spike... but not quite how it sounds. BTVS season 5. Ficlet; rated NC-17.
Perfect Storm - part 3. Buffy, Spike and a bit of bad weather. Oops. The WIP that didn't P. Must get back to it... BTVS season 5. Rated R.
Sunbathing". Spike/Buffy heat. Post-NFA ficlet; rated R.
Remembrance. Drusilla. Ficlet. Post-Chosen. Rated PG-13.
Winnings. In which Spike wins at poker, and Buffy isn't happy - at first. Post-NFA Spuffy. Rated G.
Lessons. Spike teaches Buffy, and Buffy takes Spike in hand... Written for
seasonal_spuffy. Post-NFA fluffy Spuffy. Rated R-ish.
Blame it on the Boogie. In which Buffy needs a trophy boyfriend in a hurry... Spuffy BTVS season 5. Rated PG-13.
I, Robot II. A currently rather short sequel. In which Buffybot is on a mission... S/B and S/B. Rating R.
Butterfly memories. Sometimes the memories come at the strangest times... Spuffy, post-NFA, rated G.
I could list all the work-related writing I did, too, but that would just frighten the bejesus out of me. I refuse to have another year like last one.
So - today I unexpectedly have time off thanks to my masterly and timely completion of the review I was writing (actually, I lucked out - there just wasn't as much to review as the client thought...). I'm going to have a me day. I may go shopping for something frivolous and indulge in a coffee in my favourite coffee shop. Or I may just curl up in front of the fire with one of those things... you know... what do you call them... made of paper... like a scientific journal but not... Oh, yes, a novel. Or I may catch up with some friends. And then I may revisit the fic folder and write something.
Unexpected days off are a real treat :)