(no subject)

Nov 14, 2008 21:57

I've been noticing lately....that there are a lot of comments on my past fikkus!

And I'd like to thank everybody who commented on those very much~ Even though I might not get around to replying to those, I want you to know that I read them and they made me super-happy. :D

If you added me as a friend in the past month, I swear I am going to add you back! I just keep running out of time. D:
Another slight heads-up that doesn't really pertain to most of you, but...if you're going to add me as a friend, please comment. I am getting adds from people with some strange wicked-googly names and I'm kind of irked as to who (or what) they could be.

Anyways....something interesting I found today:

*does swinging peace-sign dance*
I think "Me" is my favorite music video ever. XD I love watching the green "U" strapped to the back of a car going down the street and Hankyung walking around the corner into a ginormous yellow "S" and going "WTF??"

If you want to watch (it'll make your day): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q0nS6iL_q8


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