I've really missed everybody. :\ I hope you guys didn't forget about me...did you!? D:
I feel like I left some old life behind and now I'm coming back. I really miss posting fikkus every week and random little posts and of course, talking with all of you guys here and on MSN and reading your posts about life 'cos those are always cute and fun (and sometimes, tragic).
Just to sum up the last couple of months:
* Finished applications to Stanford and University of Arizona!
* Watched way too much House
* Got my first C (in calculus! D:)
* Really got into CG art, especially for Aoi/Uruha (they'll be posted soon)
* Lots of badminton
* Sneaking on to talk sporadically
* etc. XD
To to be done:
* NEW LAYOUT AND PROFILE! Coming soon...! I'm thinking gray this time.
* "Gray Space" chapter eight~
* "Paradise" chapter two!
Oh! And I forgot. I got myself a little Uru-pet! \8D/
By Uru-pet, I mean a super-cute (but kind of dense...in a cute way) boyfriend! Don't tell him I secretly refer to him as that 'cos I think he'd be offended....
[pikku here:
I'm trying to catch up with your posts and all the J-rock news I missed in the last couple of months...but it'd be really great if you guys could help fill me in with what's happened while I've been away! I'd like to be caught up so there won't be a gap when I talk to people. :) It doesn't have to be particularly important if you just want to comment with a few details of your life. :3
As they say, anything goes!