Oct 27, 2005 20:37
So yeah, that stuff I was talking about? Like, one post down? Not so much.
Oh well. It’s not as though I really expected anything, and really, even if I had a chance, I really don’t think it would go far with her. Granted, she’s a cool girl, but I fully see her getting bored and moving on. Not to say that she has a short attention span, and… as we all know… I am God’ gift to women… but I seem to think I’m a bit more stable and clingy than is necessary for her type, at least as she is now.
In the midst of all this, I’ve been having it out with a coworker… Some of you may remember me fearing for my life when I took a girl to the gun range? Yeah. Her. Thing about it was, she’s been complaining about her boyfriend for months, and for just as many, I’ve been telling her to dump him. She added the phrase “…and I’ll date you” in her mind, and out spilled a load of trouble when she found out I wasn’t interested.
That seems to be my curse. When I’m comfortable, I’m talkative, some might even say flirty, but seeing as I don’t know HOW to do that, I don’t notice. It’s when I’m attracted to a woman that I tense up.
In any case, I came to a slightly… well, arrogant realization. It’s not that I can’t attract women, it’s that I can’t attract women in my zip code that I’m interested in.
Oh well. I’ve found a new target whom which I’ll probably never shoot for. At least I have that. Oh, and fire. I always have fire.
- Calsy.