Like the premise to a bad teen movie...

Oct 03, 2005 14:11

For the past few months, I’ve been struggling socially. Not because I’m some sort of social leper… I found a nice hidey-hole in society that seems to suit me just fine. It’s more than, I seem to be very dateless.

I’ve had a few shots… Stephanie, Ashley, a few more I don’t want to name for fear of backlash, but now I’m in a spot I can’t seemed to dig my way out from. And yes, I know, don’t define yourself by other people’s affections, but… yeah. That’s easy to say when you have someone to cuddle.

So enters another chance to fuck up on. This girl I knew rather briefly in high school… that cool one that seemed to permeate all social groups, she’s shown back up out of no where as a Freshman that I seem to pass daily.

I’d noticed her a few times in the last couple weeks, but I never said anything. If I said hi, and she didn’t recognize me, it’d be awkward. I would likely inch away and hide in a dark corner of campus until I stopped feeling like a tool.

Rather, today, she noticed me. Awkwardly at first, but then… yeah, rather astonished at my physical changes. There aren’t many around who knew me at 15 and 16… I think it’s limited to Gabu and Dee, but since then I’ve lost a good 60 pounds or so, and… it’s noticeable.

“Wow, you’re beautiful.”

So there’s my next shot. Maybe I’ll develop the cojones to ask her to lunch. We’ll see how it goes… but there isn’t much that can boost your confidence like a comment of that sort.

- Cal out.
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