Good Stuff

Dec 09, 2009 22:59

Unfortunately, every Republican and eight Democrats weren't persuaded. (The factors that govern the fates of bills in Albany are astounding. (Really, I'm too young for this kind of defeat. (The more I know about it, the less I understand. (Of course, it didn't help my quest for reason that not one non-Ruben Diaz Senator who voted against a common sense expansion of civil rights explained his or her vote. (Perhaps the most troubling, no, soul-gnawing and teeth-gnashing thing is that I walked the cold streets of Queens, knocked on doors, made phone calls, attended rallies, organized and lost all feeling in my fingers and toes day after day and night after night, and that my friends did a lot more, all for a guy who now claims he voted against marriage because somebody in the supermarket told him to do so.))))) The fight continues...

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