Jul 19, 2006 04:49
My God, my God, why has thou accepted me
when all my love was vinegar to a thirsty King??
UGH. Life is BEAUTIFUL... but oh-so-confusing! I feel like there are ten little Sari's running around, with different plans and desires, and I'm trying to herd them all together. All I want to do is God's will. This country is so distracting... there are way too many things to get caught up in. Too many temporary satisfiers.
All I want, is the ONE and ONLY thing I need: JESUS!!!
I'm so tired of making decisions, and having to worry about this and that. I want to be stripped of everything. I want to get married, shave my head, and move to another country. I think that would be the most romantic thing ever. :) Call me crazy!