"For this is where I know, it's home"

Aug 09, 2010 20:49

This is my 3rd year away from home. My third year not celebrating NDP in Singapore, missing out the noisy aeroplanes, the humid weather, the red and white, the National Flag, the patriotic atmosphere. I really like NDP because I think it reiterates again, again and again that we Singaporeans should be proud to be a Singaporean. Although really, for the next 364 days, most Singaporeans will be complaining about how terrible Singapore is.

I admit, ever since I came to NZ, I've developed a love-hate relationship for Singapore. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and without doubt, I've learnt to appreciate everything about SG since I came here. It's simple things like not having to check the bus timetables prior to leaving the house because you know buses will always come; things like having food stores just a stone throw away from your house; shopping as cheap as dirt, sunshine all year round, efficiency, unlimited wireless broadband and all that. But of course, there are down sides of Singapore and I of course know that there is no perfect country. Things like often being marginalised plainly because I am not from a local university, or societal norms that academic is everything. If you have no academic achievement you're basically nothing.

It's hard to debate whether to pros outweigh cons, but then there's one reason why I, at the end of the day, will still continue to love Singapore. It's simple, my friends, my family, my memories are all part of Singapore. I wouldn't have such a lovely family, such wonderful friends, such beautiful memories without the existence of Singapore. It doesn't take a lot of words to put this message across. Even though the grass is greener in NZ, the air fresher, the people nicer, the environment less competitive, these factors can't outweigh Singapore as #1.

No matter what, Singapore will always be my home.

And I'm saying this not because I'm superficial. Admittedly, I love the kiwi lifestyle, I think the people here are generally friendlier than people back at home, but there won't be me if there wasn't Singapore. To put in a cheesy manner, 沒有國又怎會有家? I never feel embarrassed telling people that I'm a Singaporean. I always lift up my head high and say, "Yes, I'm a Singaporean", and swell with pride when people go on and on and on about how awesome MY country is; how much they want to come here and all that. It's just this feeling of love for something so special you can't put a finger to it.

I'm guessing it's because it's National Day that's why I can write stuff that are so mushy. But the mushier it is, the more truth there is in it.

I love you Singapore, Happy 45th Birthday. :')

singapore, ndp, feelings and thoughts

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