Apr 26, 2010 20:00
I cooked Salmon fish head soup today!
This is my first time trying out a whole new dish, without consulting a standard recipe. I just cooked based on what I felt.. was right. Hurhurhur. I got that Salmon fish head when Weizhang drove us to Pak n' Sav one weekend. Being the auntie I am, I was so bloody proud that I managed to get a huge salmon head for $2.80! Heheheeeeee. And with such cold weather, soup's always the best!
No photos though, cause I was so tired trying to cook it, I couldn't be bothered to photograph anything.
So I had the fish head; chopped it up into 4 pieces, removed the gills. Then I cut the ginger into small pieces, which I afterwards realised I shouldn't. I should have just sliced it so that I can easily take it out from the soup later. Ginger isn't exactly my favourite thing on Earth. Then I had other ingredients such as tofu, tomatoes and mushrooms!
All I did was to fry the ginger with the fish head until it was slightly browned. Then I added hot water into the pot, and let it boil on high for 10minutes, before putting the rest of my ingredients in. I added the tofu at the later part so that it doesn't become too soggy. Leave it down to medium heat to simmer. I simmered it for about 30minutes or so, before adding the tofus, and soya sauce. Then I simmered for another 30 minutes and added a teeny weeny bit of salt and tadahhh, done!
Lovely fish head soup. :D
My flatties said that it had 媽媽的味道~ Hurhurhur.
I've still got one bowl remaining in the fridge for tomorrow. Will take a photo and post it up later.
Spent the whole day today on trying to get my head round the economics tutorial for tomorrow. It's been a long time since I touched on fiscal policies, interest rates, exchange rates and its' influence within the tourism context. Really need to do up a bit of reading and research, especially in the NZ industry.
Now I'm done, and I'm gonna snuggle off to bed because it's a 930am lesson tomorrow (I am quite surprised I still have the motivation to go for that stupid 301 class). But then I'm meeting Anisha, so no matter. Just thinking whether I should stay in school to do my 320, then go straight to 104, or should I come back home.
Hmm, I'll think about that later. Alright, goodnight world.
mindless ramblings