I am blog-surfing while I chanced upon the site of a SG NUS exchange student to Welly. I know him, but I have spoken less than 3 sentences to him. He made this list, which I thought was rather interesting, and would say...almost a 99% is true. But then there are pros and cons to everything. So it really boils down to how you look at things.
Many Good Reasons Why I Want to be a Kiwi
1) Kiwis speak with a really cool accent, with words that i've used them in typing but never in speech.
2) Kiwis do not judge you by whatever that you wear. Put on really shabby clothes to school and no one bothers.
3) Kiwis are really friendly, when they are not wasted on alcohol.
4) They are not as competitive or kiasu like Singaporeans, i mean this in a good way.
5) Kiwis are chill, not as chill as the Aussies though.
6) Kiwis do not care about hierarchy. We don't call our professors SIR.
7) Kiwis do not rely on technology so much, which means they do not stay infront of the computer the whole day.
8) Kiwis really treasure days with sunshine, they will give up whatever they are doing just to soak themselves in the shine.
9) Kiwis, most of them, are not pirates, they rent DVDs and watch them. Streaming online is just too slow.
10) Kiwis, are no racists, at least for Wellingtonians. They embrace Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Indians. There is no need for racial harmony, it's automatic.
11) Kiwis do not go shopping at 9pm at night, they simply can't.
12) Kiwis love drinking so much because it's cheap. I love this but not the binge drinking part.
13) Kiwis simply love their rugby team. They will die just to watch them. Come on Singapore, flood the national stadium.
14) Kiwis do not need to fulfil U/Es, S.S or any breadths, they simply do their major courses.
15) Kiwis do not mind themselves being named after an endangered species of animal.
16) Kiwis produce really interesting advertisements. Dig that.
17) Kiwis (at least those whom i've heard of) love Singapore.
18) Kiwis stay contented with whatever they have.
19) Kiwis have a good sense of environmental awareness : They reuse, recycle and reduce.
20) Kiwis do not need use hair gel/wax because the wind simply destroys your hair.