Aug 19, 2003 17:14
I had a great weekend. Went camping at Birds Hill Provincal Park with two of my friends, Tristan and Jesse. We left on Saturday and came back on Tuesday. On the first day we set up camp and just hung aroung our camp site. The second day we went to the beach and it was very hot out! It was around 34-36 degrees and the cold water helped a lot. At the beach we these two very hot chicks!!! Damn where they HOT!! we couldn't stop looking at them. One was wearing a nice pink bikini and the other one was wearing a black bikini with yellow and red flames on it. She was the hostest one ;) That night the temerature was still hot and I had a hard time sleeping. Monday was the hotest day! It went up to 36 degrees but cooled down at night. Our last day there was kinda crappy though. It was hot out and we where to lazy to do anything.
We did make a fire every night that we where there. It was cool playing with fire ;) Sunday night was the best night though!! I saw a shooting star and Aurora Borealis(the northern lights). The northern lights lit up the night sky for hours. I'd wish I had brought my camera damnit!! but I did use Jesse's camera but I don't know if it was any good.
They funniest thing about this camping trip is when Jesse tricked Tristan into drinking dirty cooler water. Jesse wanted to see what the fire looked like with dark sunglasses on but Tristan would give it to him. So Jesse offered him the rest of his iced tea. But Tristan wouldn't take it(usally he would). and so jesse went up and got another iced tea from the cooler for himself but when he went to get it he brought the other can and filed it up with the dirty water. Tristan didn't see a thing cause he had the sunglasses on. When Jesse sat back down Tristan gave him the glasses and Jesse gave Tristan the "iced tea". He took a sip of it, tasted it for a few seconds before spitting it out. That was really funny A lot more happened but I'm too lazy to type it all out..