The world outdoes itself in exciting things these days. Even as students and their teachers try to wrap up classes, even as the World Cup looms, even as Britain gets the new government it wants (good luck with that), even as mothers in the U.S. receive honors or at least new household appliances (pfft), oil gushes into the Gulf of Mexico spill (a.k.a. Earth Massacre XXXVILL) at the rate of 5,000 barrels daily. Outrage is one way of dealing with that outrageous circumstance. Another is to contribute to the clean-up from afar. Hair and nylons, my pretties, hair and nylons. San Francisco is setting the participation standard high, but we could reach out and share the glittery glory!
link takes you to a site called Compleat Thought through which you can donate, and organize donations of, human hair and critter fur to soak up all that oil. It is especially appropriate that the HP fandom take an active role in this call for hair because:
- Severus always has greasy HAIR
- Harry always has awful HAIR
- Draco always has fabulous HAIR
- BRITISH Petroleum is the current culprit
I know there are some great prompts in all this. :-)
Here is the National Public Radio story FYI: