Sure the universe is spinning...constantly

Oct 16, 2003 20:24

An interesting concept that floats in my mind from time to time... Everything is moving, my blood is moving the cars are moving, my eyes move, my atoms cells and electrons all whirl around, even the stones that are standing still as the ancient imbedded nature of stone, is moving. My world always seems to be movement...

"Everyone is speaking, I swear theyre talking in tounges, my minds constant blah blah blah..."

The world as we know it is so full of movement that very few access the stillness. Even now I struglle inside with what can only be described as a disatisfaction with the entire paradigm of survival, and its implications. I Battle with the notions of even typing my thoughts, while simoultaneously I release all this pent up whatever to the cosmos. its just energy, its all just energy. I remind my self that just like any other thing in the physical universe I am experiencing the dissolution and duality of the movement. I know that there is a period of contraction, and expansion. There is something else though. In the balance of the tao there is nothingness, which is really everythingness.

"Nothing and everything all at once I claim stupidity because my ego vanishes to the recesses."

That is the state I am. The one pointed conciousness. Words are just signposts nothing more. It seems that people think words are alive that they eat and breath.

That they hide under the bed at night and await the return of the occupant and than they pounce go inside metamorphasize to passion and cause all those wierd cases of spontaneus combustion that I hear about. Spontaneous combustion equals running from the passion of words.

A pictures worth a thousand words... Anyone whos said that Has never read any ee cummings or kerouc (sp?) or blake, or whitman, or emerson, or better yet rumi. And if they have read them, and still say that,than they havent understood any of it.

These souls wrote signals that bring you face to face with the mystery. There is nothing more important than poetry.

I got in a conversation with one of my coworkers today. Sometimes I watch the random thoughts percolate and drift like cloud dust. I was remembering one of my first dates with Leah. I blindfolded her, and led her about for hours, making her truly experience the moment, killing her...watching her birth from the hot canal of trust. She wept as I gave her a massage. I still recall the way she touched the pinecones, as if they were the only truth that was left. Like she had never tasted the drippy sticky sap, or felt the rough chalky dust of its edge. I delighted in her process, like watching a time lapse photography of the budda gaining enlightenment, her face awakened to the oneness.

My coworkers name is rachel, Who is in a casual relationship
with a male. That was the extent of her romatic account. She slowly worked out of that tortise shell foreskin and all to tell me that she wishes she had something more alive.

Sometimes I wonderIf I'm asleep and the rest of the world is waking up, in that twilight state of hazy blue yellow.

TO me what she was describing was a boring relationship based on dinners movies and sex. Boring, where is the experience?

No wonder everyone I see seems so banal...Its an interesting
perspective to see everything as predetermined, as stuck.
From genetics to original sin, to the patriarchal model of existance. I want to dress in pinks and aquas wear lipstick and panthose, why? Not because I enjoy crossdressing, but because Its liberating to just be anything, any color any mood with no restrictions as to what you are or are not.

I want to scream obscenities at cellphones I want to ommm in the middle of burnside while Im floating... To show everyone that anything is possible, that to live your life on this predetermined path of...I want to bike naked and wet from a rain shower. I want to streak again its been awhile since I have.

And even this rant is my ego spitting nonsense.

I guess I am sad at what the modern male has become, especially the americanmodern male.
I am called sensitive or romantic or soft or more feminine.
I am what I am. I am just being. I am not a gentleman, I am just a person being gentle. I have no problem owning my manhood. I have a penis I use it I am proud of it,it is a part of me and ultimately it may be this factor that makes people think...that I am effeminate. Perhaps they have never seen scales balanced. I love the feminine side of my self, but I dont see it as feminine. I see it as myself.

I am curious about the archetypal roles males play.

Why are men frightened of life?

Why are they stuck in the boring cliches that permeate society today? Like cheating, war, violence, abuse, anger, control, greed, etc.

what does it matter if they are?

I look towrds a world that I am building in myself. One in which we see the being before the sex. One in which we honor the silence. One in which the universe down to the infinitesimal details are experienced and enjoyed as whole unto themselves. I am birthing the world of complete harmony in my being. A world where all true beauty is possible.

I am releasing the reckless god contained inside of my being
The world will never be the same...

sure my life is spinning... It is as it is. It has always been this way

"Why am I asking? I am already answered in silence."

"Why am I talking everyone around me says what i think anyway."
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