Halp? Office '03!

Jan 29, 2007 21:39

I could REALLY use a copy of Office 2003 (Student/Teacher)... if anyone has one that's got a few comps left to register on (I believe it can only be installed on up to 3 machines, not sure).

The deal is, I need Word on the big rig... and eventually I'll need Powerpoint, more'n likely. Plus I'm a cheap bastard. :p

One person made an offer to burn a copy if they find theirs...

Failing that, I'd be willing to set up some kind of trade though? I have no Practical software, but I do have a few PC games I rarely ever play anymore.

Or maybe some music? Books (fiction of course)? Granted there's not too much I'd be willing to give up, but we could negotiate.

Either way, if ANYONE has Office 2003 and they're willing to part, I'd love you forever and ever. :p

need help, offers, software

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