Sep 08, 2005 17:23
I have had a top day. On reflection though not top top. Everything is so much easier because I'm able to see Michael during the day. He just picks up straight away if I'm antsy or anxious, asks about it, I tell him about it, he understands, problem solved.
Cried to him again last night. Explained that i was worried that that he could turn out to to be one of 'those' people. He said 'I'm not one of those people'. I couldn't help but believe him. The best part is that he followed up on it today. Apparently I said to him in my sleep last night 'don't lecture me'. Sleep stories are the funniest.
Note to self: Look up the story of that girl who sleep walked and ended up sleeping very high up on a crane. Jesus. Damn it. Maybe I should do psychology before I thought, I really am SO interested. I was reading that in my numerology thing before and I do, I always want to understand the psyche and just GET IT. Basically I want to read minds. There was a company profile of all the receptionists the other day, and one of the questions was what you'd do with your 3 wishes, and one of mine was reading minds, the other was time travel, and end disease. World peace is good in theory, but can you imagine how over-populated the world would be then? The only place any of us could afford to live would be outback australia, and we've been droughting for years now. Friggen gay, I'm too much of a water baby. So no, no world peace. :/
ALix is coming around and giving me a cappucino machine. SWEEEET
P.S. I was just putting in my 'music' for today and it spun me out, I always think of the same elevator music and it cracks me up (from the Blues Brothers, they're robbing a bank and it's juxtoposed with troops outside)... Michael started humming it the other day of his own accord. *shiver, love it*