Mar 16, 2007 23:48
I have just watched 300 and whilst it was good, it was, well in a word, empty. There is just something missing to the film which makes it awesome, but I just cant put my finger on it. As I said, just watching it makes you feel empty. As a visual movie its breathtaking, truly beautiful...and I am not just talking about the rippling pectorals on Gerald Butler, or any of the men really (although can I just say, yum). Its a little annoying that the only colour you really see apart from brown and bronze is the bright red of the Spartans capes and of the blood, but I guess thats the style choice the director wanted, echoing the graphic novel.
I'm gonna give it 4/10 which may seem harsh, but I had such high expectations of this film and I felt let down....although I conceed, if the Spartans where around today to watch the film, they would have fucking loved it...THIS IS SPARTA!