
Sep 05, 2006 01:45

Ok I am not dead, just ill and my life has been kinda boring lately, not meriting a livejournal entry at all. But seeing as it has been ages since I typed in the beloved white box I shall try and drege up something interesting for you all to learn about.

My thoughts on random shit:

♥ Very very very excited on the news that Helena Bonham Carter will be playing Bellatrix Black in the next HP movie, personally I think she is perfect for it, a mixture of kooky, wierd and insane...perfect Bellatrix! Although with all the shit about them not contracting Gary Oldman for Sirius yet, makes me wonder what the hell they are doing with Bella?

♥ That being said, I would like to see Narcissa on screen please.

♥ Oooh, yeah, and I read in the paper the other day that they arent doing the big Quiddich match in OotP...which if memory serves me well (which it probably doesnt) is the introduction of the famous "Weasley is our King" chanting...and of course means there is less Draco-ing. poo.

♥ Whilst I am on Harry Potter mode, I was thinking the other day that J.K.R couldnt really kill off Harry could she? I mean she is writing what is essentially a childrens book, and really the fundemental rule of childrens literature is that you cant kill children right? The characters which she has killed off so far have all been adults, well except Moaning Myrtle, who was dead before the series began, so doesnt count. So Harry is safe, and so is Draco which is what I am really worrying about...and that is my theory, feel free to disagree! FUCK! FORGOT ABOUT CEDRIC...Theory trashed!

♥ "Harry believes that Draco would not have killed Dumbledore even if he had all the time in the world. Indeed he would not have; this will have implications for Draco’s future." (

♥ Ooh, who was it on my FList who was asking about Petunia and the whole "Remember my last"? This is from the same site as above (go there if you want the orignal source thingie): "What did Dumbledore's Howler to Aunt Petunia mean? ("Remember my last?") Dumbledore is referring the letter he left for Petunia upon the Dursleys' doorstep (along with Harry). It was his "last" because there were letters to Petunia before that. A day later, JK clarified that Dumbledore was not thinking of school letters he sent to both the Dursleys." I hope that clears everything up.

♥ Grindhouse makes me very very excited! Tarantino & Rodreguez + horror movie(s) = Me + wet knickers. Plus I was reading in Total Film Quentin will be acting in Rodreguez' section....he'll be playing "Rapist Number One" a la Richie in From Dusk Til Dawn, which shouldnt get me all hot and bothered, but does.

♥ The Reservoir Dogs PS game is calling my name from Tesco's and it is painful PAINFUL that I have no money to buy it. Luckily my mother is taking me out shopping next week and said she will purchase it for me. Am so gonna have to dig out my personalised "Mrs Brown" t-shirt.

♥ Never, ever listen to the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack in the dark when you cant get to scared the fucking jabebus outta me.

♥ Clerks II....Oh man, so excited! I want Randals cynical babies.

♥ If I could have an orgy with any three directors they would have to be: Tarantino, Rodreguez and Smith....if Rodreguez couldnt make it, I'd take Cuarón in his place.

♥ There are too many films which are being made right now, or are out right now, or are being releaced right now that I want to see. Right now. (The King, Clerks II, The Black Dahlia, Grindhouse, 300, Little Miss Sunshine, Pierrepoint...ect, ect) I was going to provide you with links to these films, but I am lazy, so yeah: and D.I.Y

♥ This months Empire magazine, is totally better than Total Film magazine. (yes I buy them both, religiously, and yes it costs me fucking £8 every god damn month, and yes I have like three years back catalogue of both of them under my bed....I cant throw them away, its like OCD or something....I also have 2 years worth of Snackdown and Raw magazines under my bed, but thankfully I have stopped buying them....maybe when I'm like 80 and have an entire house devoted to my back catalogues I will find that one of them is worth millions like the old copies of the Beano and shite....right after I get eaten by cats, like the crazy cat lady I am bound to be...erm, yeah)

♥ Saying that, with Total Film you get a kick arse shiny silver poster of Spiderman 3....which is awesome, even though I dont particularly like the Spiderman thanks, its X-Men all the way for me with the spandex-y superheros, but dude, the poster.

♥ Very excited about the new Robert Harris book (you know the guy who did Fatherland, Pompeii, Enigma?) as it is all about MOTHERFUCKING CICERO! Oh the excitement! I went to Tesco today to buy it but they didnt have it in stock, the bastards.

♥ My 16 year old brother returned from his trip to Ibiza the other day with a freshly pierced ear....I believe this is called the rebellion stage, unfortunatly, this is my family and my mother thinks he should get his nipple pierced next.

♥ Oh noes! Poor Steve Urwin is dead...I loved that dude.

♥ fuck my spelling has gone to shit :(


cicero, movies, books, harry potter, films, random

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