Re: the big oops

May 31, 2007 01:22

Do I really want to stay here?

Probably; I love my journal. At the same time, it hit a nerve. Just yesterday, I was staring at my profile, wondering if my journal would disappear mysteriously due to one word (which isn't there any more. Can you guess which interest?) I'd say my profile is pretty conservative (for the person I am, that is:) Still I was nervous, and I shouldn't have to feel that way.

I have never believed that thought and action are the same thing. Example: I didn't tell anyone in junior high that I was suicidal (I didn't write about it either). So when this idea was discussed in school, I was pretty confused. You mean, some people think writing or talking about something means you want to do that? And yes, for some people that is more or less true. But not for me. My mother was so upset because she felt her parent radar had failed. Nope. I just didn't let on until after it happened. Now that I'm living on my own, I tell my mother plenty. She knows the difference between my life and my fiction. (She commented once that she didn't approve of my alcohol consumption, but after I started drinking, I certainly wrote better bar scenes!)

I trust my writing, my intentions and thoughts, and most importantly, my kinks. Being someone who is just becoming confident enough to share her fantasies with others, I really want to make sure that is true. I just wish I trusted everyone else. Everything in fiction needs to be judged, edited, reviewed--and frequently. We need the knowledge and skills to maturely evaluate content. Because fiction is a case to case basis (just like people) No one word can indicate over all harmful intent. Glad that LJ is finally realising that. But still not feeling comfortable.
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