And to think I used to be good at math.

Nov 24, 2019 14:17

Plea to anyone out there who has a better grip on comparing health insurance plans than I do.

(Non US readers, you can just back away slowly, here. This is a completely US-ian madness.)

I need to choose my plan for 2020. I /believe/ I have figured out that 2 out of the 4 available plans are not going to work for me. The remaining two are similar, but not so similar that I want to just stick a pin in the screen, metaphorically speaking, to choose between them.

Here's my logic. I need someone to check it for me:

A: The plans are identical in how much they cover for different services except for their annual cost and the deductible.

B: They are also identical in copays.

C: They are also identical in which providers are covered, and which prescriptions.

D: The higher deductible is $1500. My health isn't bad, but I have enough going on that I'm pretty likely to meet that.

Therefore, it seems to me that I can ignore everything except the cost of the deductible + the annual cost of the plan.

Right? Am I missing anything significant?

I can't tell whether this business really is fiendishly complicated or merely appallingly obfuscatory.

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