
Nov 07, 2019 10:47

I am so lucky that I started this job at the same time - same first day - as a funny, smart, warm guy who shares a lot of my beliefs about what makes good/responsible counseling, and whose office is just across the hall from mine. We hang in each other's doorways - well, I hang in his, more; I'm a doorway kind of person, just ask Julian - and talk about what's exciting, what's going well, what's a struggle. We figure out how to complete documentation we weren't fully trained on together. He is, or seems to me to be, a much more focused and put-together person than I am (mind you, I feel that way about a lot of people, so some of that may be observer bias) so when I find out he's behind on paperwork or struggling with how to respond appropriately in a specific kind of situation, it normalizes the experience for me and is a huge relief.

My sentences are even more convoluted and parenthetical than usual today, apparently. Who knew that was even possible?

Anyway. I really enjoy this guy. He's a great balance between efficient and mellow, he's playful, he's wry. He's earnest but with a thread of snark/'dark' humor/irony running through him, which means we fit together well. He is also, to borrow from Terry Pratchett/Neil Gaiman, gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. I enjoy that, too.

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