Oh hai Palmberg. *duct tapes his mouth*

Aug 27, 2008 14:49

The most awesome and brave
neu111  did a post on Slap Shot 2 over at The CKR Files.


It's high time I did a non-flocked Palmberg picspam post *nods sagely*

It is well-known that watching Slap Shot 2 can be dangerous to your health [almost as dangerous as watching CNtC]. Stephen Baldwin makes kittens cry. Underusing the talent of Callum, and Jessica Steen, should be illegal. Anything with Gary Busey in it should be banned. Watching it on mute and fast-forwarding through about 75% of the movie is much safer. Safer yet is drooling over Pure Palmberg Picspam.

And? If anyone makes a gif of the horrible sex scene, I will poke my eyes out with a stick. Just sayin'.

So here we go, in no particular order because we don't care about the [non]story - we just want to witness the hotness that is Palmberg. That, and I am lazy.

Pic heavy post? YOU BET YOUR PALMBERG!!!!

"Hi there. You legal?"

Palmberg loves porn. He always reads the same magazine, but, uh, whatever.

I don't even want to describe this scene at all. But: jeans! HOT!

*think of the paycheque think of the paycheque think of the paycheque*

Obviously a movie because Palmberg has way too many teeth to be a hockey player.

Tighty whiteys!


Why are you the star again, Stephen, and I am not? Oh right. I didn't want to be associated with this steaming pile. Right.


Long legs!

Palmberg strikes out....

So finds the love he craves... in the porn.

*plays with his hair*

The most insanely UN-hot Callum sex scene ever.

Anyone got some high-powered brain bleach? No?

Gnuhhhhhhhh........ brain bleach not working........ head hurts..........


Such. Bad. Hair. *would shave Stephen if she didn't have to actually get near him*

Callum = tall. The Hanson brothers are taller than me. Tall = yummy.

Callum + beer + hockey = Canadian hat trick. [see what I did there? *g*]

I just had to end the SS2 picspam with this one. *is 13 years old again* And I know, it's not even Palmberg.

And now, for a quick palate cleanse:

Ah. That's better.


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