Hey, y'all. :) Millicon is, er, fast approaching, and according to
the schedule, we get to show an episode of BSG between 11pm and 12am on Thursday night.
Which begs the question: which one are we going to show?
I'm planning on bringing my DVDs and my external hard drive. Between the two of those, I have everything current covered (except for the webisodes, but why show some of those when we can show an episode?).
My suggestion for the episode to show is '
The Hand of God' -- it's early on enough that people won't be too lost, and it's got nearly every in-bar character in it except for (I think) Leoben. Tone-wise I think it also does a good job of getting at why BSG is awesome and why everybody should watch it. *grins*
(And if not that episode, my vote is for either 'Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down' or 'Final Cut' -- the former because it's The Only Funny Episode, and the latter because I like the documentary style.)
Thoughts? Other suggestions? And a note -- even if you can't make it to Chicago, please chime in. :D That way it will be more like you are there!