Spring Cleaning

Mar 26, 2010 15:06

This week I was graced with the presence of my best friend from high school, whom I have not seen for many moons. She drove nearly twelve hours to get here, because she's insane, only to discover the joy that is navigating one-way streets while I accidentally gave her directions that assumed she was coming from a different direction entirely. We went to the park and visited an art museum and generally had all sorts of shenanigans, concluding with a book-fest in which I forced her to read Terry Pratchett novels on pain of death. I really know how to throw a party.

Speaking of parties, I went to my first
camelot_fleet  party on Saturday and finally acquired myself a Dreamwidth account. (How many of you are over there? Would it be worth it to cross-post?) Unfortunately, my time spent with the outside world ("what's that big glowing thing in the sky?" I wondered) made me miss the merlin_love party on Sunday and their rec party on Wednesday and the bradleycolin friending meme. (Lucky for me, there's another party going on at merlin_love today that I will only be moderately late to.)

I did make it to the Spring Swap, though, which is a very awesome idea and if you haven't gone over there yet, you definitely should!

Which brings me to my SPRING TO-DO LIST:
  • a fic about Arthur and Merlin on a ship for luisadeza 
  • fanart involving Merlin's neckerchief for vicky_v 
  • reel_merlin, The Hunchback of Notre Dame- I signed up to do art, because the fic was already taken, but also because my writing-fu is on the fritz. See next bullet point.
This post is mostly so I can look back on that last one and laugh bitterly when I still haven't finished- for someone who intends to be a writer professionally, I am terrible at meeting deadlines. Also, if I owe you something and it's not on the list, that means I've forgotten it, so please remind me.

But anyway, it's Friday! What're you all up to this weekend?

merlin, is this real life?, excuses excuses

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